Tuesday, July 06, 2004

My Writing Style

I've never done a blog, so forgive me if I violate any style guidelines....

I am a new writer. The writing done here is the first I've ever done, and it turns out I enjoy doing it. When an idea strikes, I mull it over and then the words come flowing out. I have an idea of where my story starts, and a vague idea of where my story is going, but I usually don't have an end. I let the characters write themselves, and they take me in unexpected directions.

This can be good, and it can be bad. On the up side, I've gone to some interesting places that I hadn't imagined I'd be at. On the down side, I sometimes run out of steam.

When I start a story, the ideas are bursting out of me, and I have to get them down. That usually takes me to the first logical breakpoint. Unfortunately, since I don't always have a specific end in mind, I often don't have the drive to finish the story. Hence, some of the unfinished work. I still intend to go back and finish them, but doing so is a little more like work than the exuberance I feel for the first few chapters, so it's hard to get started. When I do get started, the characters usually suck me in again, so it is a good experience in the end, but it's hard to start.

One thing that has helped has been reader comments. Some suggestions have been completely off the wall and not at all in keeping with the characters, but for the most part the suggestions fuel my imagination. Claire Converts came about because of reader comments.

Anyway, a tad rambling, but just some insight on how I work, and why more of my stories are not complete.



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