Sunday, October 29, 2006

What do I do with my mail?

I've requested that people write to me and tell me what they think, and the response has been excellent. I've gotten over 500 emails on Growing; small compared to the number of people that read it, but still quite an acceptable response rate.

As for what I do, first, I respond to each mail that is not anonymous, even if it's just a thank you. If you took the time to write, it's the least that I can do. Second, I learn from the criticisms. There are quite a few people in my audience who have excellent insights into the stories that I write, and by listening to them I make my future stories better. In fact, I am now reviewing my next completed medium length story with the suggestions in mind, and I'll probably be doing extensive modification.

Now I also get people who tell me not to cave to everyone's demands. I am not doing that. I get a lot of mail saying that it was great but it needs more 'my favorite kink here'. Sorry. These are my stories, and my favorite kinks. If they happen to overlap yours, great! The comments that I take seriously are the ones that I look at and go, 'Hey, he's right!' (Not to be politically incorrect, but 98% of the people who write to me are men).

It's all about growing, and thanks to everyone who helps me grow.


Blogger Steveh11 said...

I find I get some mail with very good analyses of each chapter, even some line-by-line edits (so far, these have been rare due to the diligence of my own editors!) and some simple "Good - keep it up!" responses. The analyses and guesses are entertaining, the line edits are highly useful and the rest are mostly morale boosting. I guess I've been lucky in that the negative feedback I've had has been few and far between.


2:45 AM  

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