Monday, September 03, 2007

I'm back

It's been a long and crazy year for me. There have been very high highs, and many even lower lows. My life has changed radically over the past year, and as a result, I have not been keeping up with my writing

As you might be able to tell from my stories, BDSM, and more particularly M/s, has been on my mind for quite a long time. When reading stories, even as when I was quite young and had to rely on BBSs, the stories that I honed in on were of that genre. When I began writing, virtually all my stories were themed that way.

Well this year I finally took that next step. I realized what I was missing in life and I set out to find it. It was a long road – unpaved and bumpy, and while others have explored it before, it was new to me, and the street maps that I have don’t list every pothole. (Isn't it funny how reality is not the same as fantasy? Who would have figured?)

I am at just the beginning of my journey, but I did find my becky, and, surprisingly, others as well. I am working on my life, yet that’s what it is – work. Mind you, there is plenty of fun involved as well (the next story that I write will have *much* better descriptions of dungeons and what goes on in them). But it is hard work, taking your life in a whole new direction – work that takes time.

I also need to thank the other women in my life, the ones that gave me inspiration and courage to continue my quest of self-discovery. You know who you are - especially you, little one - and you should know how much I appreciate you, how very much you mean to me.

But back to my stories. My latest long story was written and edited differently than my previous ones. Peter Z had edited my previous stories, quite ably, and I was able to post when he got the chapters back to me. This time, I had quite a few editors (credits will come when I start posting), all who gave excellent comments. Yet my challenge was to take all those disparate comments and suggestions and weave them into my story in a way that made it better. After a significant amount of work, I had nearly accomplished that when my laptop was destroyed, taking all that work with it – one of those potholes I mentioned above. Given that I spent my working life as a Systems Administrator, you’d think I would know better and that I should have had backups. Well I did, but they were just old enough to miss most of my editing. The thought of going back and redoing everything, particularly given that my personal life was at that time going to hell, was just too daunting.

So the story sat there. Waiting. Just as you have done. And every couple of months I’d say, “It’ll be here soon – I’m just finishing editing it”. And yet, nothing.

Well, one of the benefits of being a Master is that you have these lovely resources at your command, and I’ve instructed my becky to put everything together for me. Given that her command of the English language is far superior to mine, it should increase the readability and continuity of the story. I have instructed her to work for two hours a week on editing my story. (Hey – lives are busy and I need to have her to myself *some* of the time to play with).

I will begin posting that story regularly, though not with the clockwork regularity of “Growing”. I've got ten chapters ready for posting, though I am adding and making changes now that I've been gone from it for almost a year. But don't worry about the editing. If she starts falling behind, rest assured that she will be appropriately disciplined and put back on track – perhaps you can pass the time imagining her bound to a cross, being flogged until she understands the importance of the work I have instructed her to do. (Though sometimes I think *not* flogging her would be a far worse punishment).

While you are waiting for me to begin posting my longer story, I've started to post a few short stories that I wrote (Click here for the first one). Every now and then I get into a long conversation with one of my fans. Strangely, they seem to always be submissive women - go figure. :-) Talking to them about their lives, their desires, their fantasies ... well, it gets my dirty little mind working overtime, and that bubbles out into stories and vignettes. I've just posted one, and I've got at least two others in the wings.

I’m sorry to say that I have no other long stories in the works – life has just been too hectic. I find living the fantasies takes a lot more time than fantasizing about them does. The request I get most is a follow up to Growing, which happens to be the story that I most want to follow up. So, when life turns around and gives me some more time, energy and inspiration to work again, that’s what you’ll see.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good to see you back, and congratulations on fiding your Becky. But, is she Becky or Kari? big differencce in outlook :)

I look forward to your continued writing, I have foud the stories very entertaining.

Good luck and may your future hold less 'interesting' times ahead.


6:48 AM  
Blogger Prism said...

Yes reality and fantasy are very different but dont ever stop fantasizing or writing about your fantasies because we always need those even if they are undoable or unattainable, Yes Im still reading when you post and following closely the results stay the same. Wishing you all the best


1:23 AM  
Blogger juicyjayne said...

Hi M,

Mmmm I remember reading this story when you sent it to me and how horny i got...i just want to say thankyou so much and well reading it here was even better knowing others can read it too....

i still owe you some things and i sure i wont see chp2 till i send them ;-) i will do my best to arrange the items soon

love and thanks for this story

juicy x

5:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing me to tears on the patio of a crowed coffee house. As Torg said congats on finding your becky. He can be assured it really is your becky and not your kari. I wish you all the best on your stories and look forward to reading more.

all my love

10:04 PM  
Blogger DragonScales said...

Welcome back - you and your very good writing and stories have been missed. Imagine all of the people who have read your stories and gotten off? It is amazing to think about - the power of words and the imagination and creativity in your mind making it to the internet and causing a positive ripple of joy, hope, love, discovery and so much more. May your Becky bring you added inspiration, even as my Becky so long ago started me on the path of love. . .

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good you've finally found yourself in the type of life and relationship that you've been looking for so long. Perhaps someday you'll be willing to tell a version of your story, of how you started searching, and how you finally became a Master.

12:53 AM  

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